Just As. . .I AM Worship
by Author/Artist K.Leigh Fuller
A Bible-based Worship Study Celebrating the Names,
Attributes, and Metaphors of God
Free Introductory Lessons:
A Word about the Scripture Selections. . .
The process of making sure there were enough scriptures to point to God's revelation of Himself throughout all of scripture for each lesson was dynamic: verses are provided for each name/attribute/metaphor from the Old Testament and the New Testament, as well as the Psalms.
God illuminated very much to me that He loves to reveal Himself through the Psalms. David was called “a man after God’s own heart” and David was the author of the majority of the Psalms. Therefore, since we get a fuller understanding of the heart of the Father by diving into the Psalms, it seemed important to include reference from Psalms for each name, attribute, or metaphor.
It was a beautiful “trinity times trinity” revelatory directive to get to nine – no more than nine – scripture references per lesson. But the scripture references, are by no means an exhaustive list. Dive deeper. Look for more. God desires to reveal Himself and will reveal Himself more and more as you search more and more.