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Just As. . .I AM Worship
by Author/Artist K.Leigh Fuller
A Bible-based Worship Study Celebrating the Names,
Attributes, and Metaphors of God
What's in a Name?
Click on the button above to learn more about the artist/author and the importance of Naming and Names.
Just As. . . I AM Bibliography
Click on the button above to view the complete bibliography of Just As. . . .I AM.
Give Me the Sword, Lord!
For simple, powerful engagement in intercessory prayer, click
on the button above. "Give me the sword, Lord!"
Just As. . . I AM Theme Poem
Click on the button above to view the original Just As. . . I AM theme by K.Leigh Fuller and Cat Albansese. (Feel free to set to music and send it back to us so we can share with others.)
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